– Lone Star Taqueria (Address: Bergmannstrasse 11|Mexican food)
50% off main course 4-7pm daily
– Curry 36 (Address: Mehringdamm 36| nearest U-bahn station Mehringdamm) try currywurst and the kebab of vegtables (Gemüsedöner)
– Entwederoder (Address: Oderberger Straße 15) for brunch
drinks at Lone star Taqueria
– Berlin wall
– Checkpoint Charlie
– East Side gallery
– Bradenburg gate
– old Parliament building Reichstag (register online to avoid the queues)
– outdoor museum Topography of Terror
– Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe (free)
For Berlin, you will find the tourist sites easily. What you should do is walk a little around in Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain and Prenzlauer Berg. It’s really pretty, nice, alternative and fashionable there. You will find many nice places, especially cafes and little restaurants. For the night you have a thousand different options. To have a real hard electro party night ( what I think is the best party in Berlin, with the most authentic feeling) you should go to a club called Magdalena. It’s in the east part and I really like it. Otherwise there is one of Europe’s most famous clubs, the Berghain. It’s also very cool there. If you go to one of these places you have to know that the real party often starts around 2 or 3 in the night…so you can stay there until 7 or 8 in the morning. Don’t have to care about transportation, in berlin the trains run all night during the weekend. It’s also nice to get a drink in one of the bars in the quarters I wrote above. The prices are cheap in comparison to other European metropoles. For the day with shitty weather I can recommend you the museums of Berlin. They really have good exhibitions and in my eyes it’s really worth seeing one or two if you have time and you want to. I think for a weekend that should be enough. Especially if you are going to see also all the sightseeing sites. To have a nice tour you can take the public bus number 100. It’s a normal bus and takes you through the center along all the important sites.