wtf is wrong with the weather? This is my worst marathon ever, having to brave the elements and the lack of sleep, but somehow i’m still happy cos I achieved my own personal best!
When it started to rain around 25km, I said “let it rain over me” by pitbull. The underpass to my house was so near and I just felt like going home, but “I won’t give up” by Jason mraz played in my mind. I could have just gone home and sleep then collect my belongings in the morning, but I decided to push on. I imagined Rihanna singing “ella ella eh eh eh under my umbrella” to shelter me and Kelly clarkson said “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” so I braved the heavy rain which drenched me and the gusty winds which brought shivers down my spine. The rain subsided around 30km, then again it rained for the last 4km, which made my run seem like the most arduous journey, so near yet so far. My race singlet was completely drenched, my shoes were wet and every step one took was heavier than the one before.
Surprisingly for this marathon, I am lucky that I did not feel any pain in the joints, probably cos I did train for this and I applied a generous amount of joint and muscle rub which probably numbed all the pain. Moreover the rain could have removed the pain and made me want to complete the race as soon as possible. Some people took shelter in the hut when the rain was too big, but I still continued and lowered my head in the rain as the irritating raindrops kept going into my eye, affecting my vision.
I do not understand why some people need to run with their handphones and music, it just adds on extra weight and your hands are not free of movement. Perhaps for music I understand they want to run and listen to it at the same time, but the handphone is absurd unless you want to stop and take pictures along the way. Are you doing such an important business that you must be on standby 24/7 with your phone in case your boss calls you even while you’re running the marathon halfway? I have friends who ran with his handphone and it got wet in the rain, luckily they are still functioning, but I do not see his point of tweeting and updating facebook along the way with the phone, just concentrate and run! You can tweet and fb all you want after the race.
I am so tired now, my legs are aching and I cannot walk without limping. Nevertheless, I’m proud of myself cos I did it! This is my 4th marathon, of which it is the first sundown in the stupid rain, completed in 4h47min, my personal best. (:
Faire parti d’un jury signifie être passif et visionner la sélection de quelqu’un d’autre. C’est comme un menu, on ne choisit pas les plats.