I’m back from my morning hike up the mountain la Bastille. Surprisingly, climbing up the mountain offered me nice magnificent views of the city and I didn’t know Grenoble is so big. It hosted the Olympics in the 1968, that’s why the infrastructure in the city is so good because they had did planning for the future. It is sunny weather again today which is very good for outdoor activities. Later I will be joining inteGRE activities where we are meeting at a park. Till now, I haven’t really made any new friends at all because my hostel is very quiet and my classes haven’t started yet. From what I see, many exchange students tend to stick to their countrymen, so I find it hard to break the ice.
I like the tramway system in Grenoble because it is very green. It is easy to build because there is no need to dig underground to build a subway system, vehicles and the tram can share the same road as well.
This afternoon, I paid a visit to the nice French couple who offered me help an gave me directions on my first day here. I was lost and tired from dragging 2 luggages. They showed me the way to the hostel. Today I dropped by their house and after hearing about my predicament about my ill-equipped hostel, they lent me some cooking utensils and pots which would make my life easier. Now the only thing is the lack of a fridge. I think I shall get a second hand fridge because I want to buy stuff like milk, yoghurt which need to be stored in the fridge.