Things to See & Do
Beaches – There are several beaches to choose from with Pocitos being one of the nicest, and most easily accessible from hostels. All of Montevideo is located along La Plata River (not the Atlantic, which begins at Punta del Este a few hours East.).
Ciudad Vieja (Old City) – Plaza de Independencia is located at the end of Avenida 18 de Julio, a major road through the city. Here you can see Mausoleo de Artigas, a mausoleum and monument in the center of the plaza. A large, modern office building facing the plaza is where the Uruguayan government and President are located. In addition, there is an old palace. Historic Teatro Solis (theater) is located just off the plaza.
Half-Day City Tour – For 540 pesos ($27) you can take a 3-hour city tour that visits various points of interest around the city. It’s an easy way to get your bearings, but with only about 10 minutes at each stop, it’s mostly an opportunity to get some photos. The tours start in Plaza de Independencia at either 8:30 AM or 2:30 PM daily. Interesting places included a drive by the President’s home (which was hidden behind bushes), Palacio Legislativo (Parliament building), and Carrasco, the wealthy suburb where many of the football players live.
La Rambla – On weekends and holidays, Uruguayans love to go for walks and bike rides along the boardwalk, named La Rambla. Many more enjoy simply sitting and sipping their mate. This 22 km boardwalk starts in the old city and runs East along the city’s coastline. Allow 2-3 hours if you want to walk between the old city center and Pocitos.
C’est un malheur du temps que les fous guident les aveugles.