My marathon is happening in about 3 and a half hours time, I am feeling the race jitters although this will be my 4th marathon, but this is my first time running sundown marathon. The timing of this marathon is quite weird, it is called sundown, but it should be named midnight marathon for the starting time. Moreover, the race organisers have pushed back the timing and made changes to the route two days before the actual event, making some people disappointed and frustrated.
Today I tried to sleep as much as possible because I do not want to fall asleep halfway during the run, but I believe I will be able to endure it because clubbing has taught me how to last through the night till lights on. My friends may scoff at this theory but it is indeed true and we need to imagine loud music playing in our ears while running. I don’t run with music because I find the earpiece dangling and bouncing to be irritating and music can suppress pain, but I shall endure throughout the race and complete it like a man.
So tonight there will be many of my friends running, a handful doing the full marathon 42.195km like me and the majority doing the half marathon (21km). jia you to desmond, kejian, wei xuan, yujun (21km), eugene, kerlene, chun siang, weijun (42km). I’ll see you at the finishing line if I see you, hope that we can have breakfast together then go home for a good day’s sleep. I am prepared for the aching knees, muscles, joints that will come about later, and looking forward to getting the finisher’s tee. 🙂
alright meeting later at 1130pm at nicoll highway mrt. updates tmr
« L’art du cinéma consiste à s’approcher de la vérité des hommes, et non pas à raconter des histoires de plus en plus surprenantes. »