My second trip away from Grenoble, I chose to go to Annecy which is near the Swiss border. It is 1h45min away from Grenoble. I really like the French railway system because the network is huge and one can easily plan a weekend trip to any regional destination. They even have monthly or annual passes for people who travel often on the SNCF network, so they get to enjoy discounted rates.
Annecy is a really nice beautiful town in Haute-Savoie region, though it is quite touristy. I managed to get cheap postcards here with beautiful scenery of the city so I’m very happy. Lac du Annecy reminds me of lake titicaca in Bolivia, just that this one is on a smaller scale and not so deep. The water at lake annecy is so clear and the sun glistens across it on the first day that I arrived. One can engage in many activities, from swimming, kayaking, canoeing, to sailing on the lake. Since it was still summer, many people were suntanning beside the lake.
I also liked the vieille ville d’Annecy, the buildings are scattered along the canal and they seem quite Swiss-influenced, probably due to the proximity to Switzerland in this city. My host (Sophie) told me that many people work in Geneva but they chose to stay in Annecy because it is cheaper. Since they’re already earning big money, they drive up the cost of living in Annecy. I was very lucky to be able to find a couchsurf host at the last minute, otherwise a hostel here would be quite expensive. There’s a chateau in the old town, but since the entrance fee wasn’t free, I decided to skip it. I had a nice hike up to la visitation de la basilique, probably the highest point in all of Annecy. It is a church with a tall clock tower and one can have an aerial view of the city from the basilique.
Sophie had a soirée at another friend’s house in town, so I was invited along as well. Each person had to bring something to the dinner, so I brought a bottle of rosé. I had a great night chatting with the French at the dinner which was supposed to be al fresco, but it was moved to the garage due to the rain. We had quiche, salad, pork ribs and BBQ sausages, not forgetting beer and wine as well. We left around 2am after eating dessert (apricot cake) that sophie baked.